Hi I’m Paige and I’m going to tell you about different types of dogs. I am going to talk about sausage dogs, dalmatian dogs and pug dog.
Sausage dogs are short. They're fast sometimes and sometimes they are slow. The little
dogs were bred 300 years ago. Sausage dogs are short because their legs are small. Sausage dogs are fast because they’re not that heavy so they can move quicker.
Dalmatian dog: They’re spotty. They’re tall. They’re fast. They're best known as fire dogs. Dalmatians make a good family dogs because they’re are not aggressive or mean and they’re not need, but they chew lots of your stuff!
Pug dog: They’re tails are rolled up and short. They’re short. They’re lazy. A group of pugs are called a grumble. They make good family pets because they are playful animals and are good with family and kids.
I hope you have learnt something today about dogs. My favourite dog is a sausage dog because they small and they walk funny.